Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Blog!!

I'm a little late with this notice, but I thought I should let you know that I do have a new blog for Ashley Riddle Photography. So, if you are looking for the new and up to date stuff I am always posting, then check out the new blog. And please, don't forget to become a follower so I know you enjoy what you are reading!! Thanks!!

Click Here for the new Blog

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 7

Ok, I figured it was time for a picture of me in this project. I have on no makeup, my hair isn't fixed, and I am wearing my glasses...So, it's not the most flattering photo of me..but atleast it's honest.

And in a totally unrelated subject...I got a good shot of Shaolin, so I thought I would include that as well.

365...Day 6

My business hasn't quite taken off enough to quit my day job...
So, I go to work everyday as an office manager for an oil & gas drilling company. I do like my job. Today I got a package of new stamps...I had them laid out on my desk calendar...and I thought...that could be a cool shot...

365...Day Five

I only have one shot for this day. I noticed we had such a great sunset this evening. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite get a great shot because our barn was in the way. I will have to work on that...But I will upload the photo I do have...

365...Day Four

So, for today's pictures...me and my husband made sloppy joes and homemade french fries...thought I would see if I could get some creative shots of all that going down. Not much explanation needed there. My husband cracks me up...he loves to cook...I got some cute shots of him too.

365...Day Three

It is kind of difficult to think of something to photograph each day. I can see how this is going to be a real challenge. I got to thinking about what is really important to me in my home. My animals, Shaolin, Meesha, and Ponga are very precious to me. My cat, Meesha, is a long-haired persian. She is oddly colored for her breed. She is black and tan. This has made it difficult to take her picture in the past. I would always use flash and no matter how quickly I shot, she would blink as I took the picture. I started to think I couldn't get a good picture of her. So, I decided that I would give it another shot. I experimented with my new lens and different settings on the camera. I finally found a good combination and I was able to get some really great shots of her!! I am very thankful of this, because I don't know if I would have ever tried to get a better picture of her. She is a great model because she justs sits there for you, almost like she knew I was taking her picture. She is hilarious!! She actuallly doesn't act much like a cat because she will lay on her back all the time and watch tv upside down. She nevers runs away and she always fights back when you play with her. She loves to hide under the comforter on the bed...She makes me laugh quite a bit...
Now, Shaolin, was my husband's cat. And she couldn't be any different from Meesha. She runs away from everything, and in order to get a good shot of her you have to trick her...So, I waited outside her bedroom door and had my husband shake the food bag. She nosed her way out cautiously...and I got a great shot of her peeking her head around the door...Cute!!
Ponga, the dog. She's quiet and never really causes any trouble. She is afraid of the camera though...so it was hard to get a good one of her...I will have to work on that one...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ben's B-day Party

So, the weekend following my birthday party, we partied in the Man Cave for Ben's birthday. It turned out to be just as nuts as the weekend before, but it's nuts pretty much every time we party down there. I had some fun with these pics....

Project 365...Day Two

So, today we didn't much of anything exciting. Actually, we organized our closet. We have this huge walk-in closet with drawers and lots of shelves, but since it is the only closet in the whole house for three people (including a teenage girl), it is over run with crap. So, we get it organized, get rid of things, and then have to do it all over again a few months later. So, I was sitting here trying to decide what to shoot for Project 365 Day Two...and since this the exciting day we had in our closet...I decided to take a picture of something or things in my closet that are very important to me - my shoes. I have many pairs, some are packed away in boxes on shelves only to be pulled down when really needed, some are easy access...and unfortunately, due to the lack of space, I have gotten rid of quite a few of them. The important thing about this photo is this... I had bought a new lense that I was very excited about when I purchased it. I got it in the mail and put it on my camera. I was in dismay when I looked on the display to see FEE flashing across the top. Something was wrong... I read the manual...I took it off and put it back on again...but nothing seemed to work. I knew it was something I was doing wrong, but I wasn't sure what. So, before I started this project I would have left that lense in my camera bag, never to bring it out at weddings or photoshoots because I didn't know how to use it. Well, tonight I was determined to figure this out. I pulled out the manual again and googled it. After a few minutes of frustration, I actually figured it out! I was so excited!! Anyways, I walked into the closet and took a picture of my favorite heels. They look much better all organized in a line than they do in a pile in the corner of the closet....who knew?

Project 365...Day One

So, I am very excited about this project. I knew it would be good for me. I can say that already I am learning and practicing more than I would normally. For my first day of this project, I chose to photograph our wedding rings. These are very important to both of us for more than one reason. The first reason being that they symbolize our commitment to eachother ofcourse. The second reason is that his belonged to his father who passed away three days before our wedding, and mine belonged to my grandmother. My ring was their original wedding set, and though they are both still alive, it is very important to me that I am wearing a ring that symbolizes that marriage can work out...if you work at it. My grandparents have been married almost 50 years now, and although Grandpa has bought Grandma a new, bigger ring, I am see this ring I am wearing as something to be cherished.

Jennifer & Nick

I shot these engagement photos a few weeks ago before my surgery. I am a little behind on them, but I am getting caught up today. I met Jennifer and Nick through a work connection. The groom's father is a vendor I see at work quite often. A few months ago I mentioned to him that I was a photographer when he mentioned that his son was getting married. I handed him a pamphlet and the rest is history. I really enjoy this couple, especially the bride. Jennifer is so easy going and bright that it is a joy to be around her. I am so excited about her bridal session this month because we get to shoot in the Masonic Temple in Guthrie. If you haven't ever seen the inside of this building, well get ready, because it is gorgeous, and a prime spot for photographing brides. I am soooo excited!!!

Anyways, back to these photos. We went downtown and started with an urban feel. It was very windy, which actually kind of added to the shoot. There was still ice on the ground from the ice storm a few days before, so some of my favorite spots were inaccessible. But we made due with what we had. After the urban shots, we drove down the block to the myriad gardens, which always makes for some beautiful shots. Again, the ice gave us some obstacles, and due to it being winter and everything being dead, it wasn't as pretty as always. But I think we got some great shots anyways! I can't wait til the bridal, and expecially can't wait until the wedding, which is April 18th at Walnut Creek. Walnut Creek is a beautiful chapel as well!!